torsdag 2 april 2009

Yeah, Sakura and sunshine, could it get any better?

So, today i went out for a little bike adventure around the area where i live. It was really nice and i went in to some small shops just browsing around. This area is really beautiful. There was this bridge over a canal a little while from my house. I was just crossing it when i saw how beautiful it was with the sakura and the sunshine.

Heres a picture for ya.
Some answers to your questions, School starts the seventh of april.
There are like 2000 students at the school.
I am finally finished with all the kumon that i have got, so now i send it to the kumon tutor and get 2 new books.
The city i live in is not that crowded because its such a huge city, people are spread out.
I live in the harbour area, so there aint that many people running around. most people are in the central nagoya.
I will have to get used to the kendo training... Wake up very early, training at 6 until 8.30 when the other lessons start and then training after school a very long time... But hopefully kendo is a fun sport and you know what they say, the more you practice the better you get.

3 kommentarer:

  1. "the more you practice the better you get."

    eller ju mer du tränar desto tröttare blir du.

    men najs bild

  2. Hej igen!
    Vad otroligt vackert. Härligt att du bor så nära vattnet!! Det är vi ju vana vid vi som är ö-bor.

    Lite frågor igen. Asta och jag är lite nyfikna på vad saker kostar.....
    Vad betalade du för Conversen?
    Vad kostar Dr Martens?
    Vad kostar roliga klockor?
    Vad kostar ett par jeans?
    Har du köpt pennor och block nu?
    Hittade deu ngn bra engelsk bok i den STOORA bokandeln?
    Vem betalar din resa fram och tillbaka till skolan?
    Hur åker du till skolan??

    Många fragor,
    Puss puss

  3. Jag gillar dina små meddelanden som vi får.
    Misstänker att det inte blir lika många när
    plugget börjar.
    Stor kram
