söndag 29 mars 2009

I need to catch up.

Yesterday me and okaasan (mother in japanese) went to nagoya to meet lars. Another swedish guy in japan except that he is now here for the second year and is attending a university. We met and talked about stuff, he was really nice.

He hand his host mother was discussing with okaasan what places they would show me. they showed me the biggest book store i have ever been to, it was like 5 floors with only books and such. It was really cool. then we bought smoothies and then we didnt do much more than just walk around talking. it was really nice.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Nice! lagom med böcker eller? försök att läsa klart alla på en våning :D du får en tjuga för det (om du lyckas)

  2. omfg, det blir nog omojligt med tanke pa att halften av dem innehaller kanji jag aldrig visste fanns xD
