onsdag 13 maj 2009

Have patience my friends.

People... take it easy, im going to write something soon i just dont have enought time yet, im busy with golf, friends, karate, school and being social with my host family. I might get some time tomorrow to write something fulfilling... maybe not. You are going to have to wait and see. I promise though that i will write something this week. If anyone has any questions that you havent asked before please ask me and i can have somewhere to begin writing the next time i write.

Good night, i have had a long school day, i ran for a long time with the golf club. I almost ran all the way home and then to seven eleven to get some money from the atm. After that i ran home again, packed my karate bag and took the bike in high speed to the place where i practice. Now i am semi-dead. Not gonna write anymore now, im too tired right now.

This week, i promise!

1 kommentar:

  1. Älskade Gustaf, jag förstår hur mycket du har omkring dig, men det är roligt när du har tid att höra av dig.som du vet är Bopa sedan 2 veckor
    tillbaka på KS. På måndag skall vi ha möte om hans vidare placering,Han får inte komma till Danderyd ännu för att han är inte tillräckligt rörlig. Du får höra vidare hur det går. Jättekram
