tisdag 24 mars 2009

You greedy bastards... hehe fooling ya.

Okay since my last very long post wasnt enough, here comes another one.

I have already told you about everything that happened so now i will tell you about the things that happens around me. or something like that.

The weather in japan is awesome, you dont even have to wear a jacket, only in the evenings. it is like 15 to 18 degrees above but the weather is very unstable, one day its raining and the next one is so clear that you can barely see cause of all the sun. its very lovely.

The sakura, cherry blossoms, havent really started to bloom yet but they will any time now. in tokyo i saw some sakura. but here in nagoya there aint that many of those trees. thats too bad. i think they just invest in those trees to make tokyo beautiful.

the food here is great and the bed is great too.

I am sitting here watching television right now, even though i just understand some words it is quite amusing because their shows are so crazy. There was this show yesterday during dinner where they had made big holes in the sidewalk and then covered them up with some plastic and then made them totally invisible. Then they had this girl that fell on the other side and when the guy went over to help her he fell down this hole... it looked so damn fun, he just dissapeared into the ground.

then the camera zoomed on his face and every single one of the guys who fell down had this very surprised look about them that is almost too good to discribe. it was Legendary.

The family is very nice, i have one broher whos 18 and his name is kento. he is at school right now because his school started last week. he is in a club that makes robots so he comes home around 21.

then there is my sister Lisa, she is 16, right now she is working at a coffe shop, we will go to the same school and it doesnt start until the 7,th of april.

then there is grandma, she is very nice and like this typical japanese tiny old person. she mostly watches television, she is very tired all the time. her name is yoshie.

then there is dad, he is working at toyota as a group manager, dont really know what that kind of manager does but anyway, he is practicing japanese drums after work so he is also home pretty late.

and last there is mom, she is very helpful with everything and she is always smiling.

apparently they had another excange student 2 years ago from america.

also, kento was a year in america last year so he can speak pretty good english.

i hope that was enough to answer some questions, i will wait and save up some real stories to tell next time i writein about a week. Hope all is well, sayonara.. :D

4 kommentarer:

  1. ye najs! Men sitter du med en "familjedator" eller har du redan fixat en? i vilket fall så borde dem ha ngn inbyggd kamera eller en webcamera du kan fota med! hah du kommer inte undan!


  2. Ouf! Tjoo mannen! :D Shit vad coolt allt låter, ja blir ju riktigt avunsjuk :D LÅter fett najs med vädret, här är det ju som sagt pissväder, och så fort det töar så kommer det bara mera snö... =/ men det e najs ändå, jag o otto spelar ju upp vår pjäs (som du inte kan komma på, din jävel hehe) så vi har det fullspeckat själva. Men det låter underbart med all Sakura, du får skaffa en kamera och ta foton ^^ ps. har du åkt sånt där magnet tåg?

    - Fjellis

  3. Du e fett cool bro! Hälsa robotbyggarn och resten av familjen från mig!
    Jag har svarat på facebook. Så att jag har ju inte så mycket att skriva här. Ska äta crepes hos mormor nu!
    Älskar dig <3 Puss från nissepisse

  4. Jag är sååå glaaad att du verkar ha det bra! MAssor av kramar från vovven och mama.
