torsdag 25 juni 2009

Pictures are coming soon

I am sorry... i totally forgot!

Yea yea, i know it was a long time ago since last but dont meddle in the past :P
Think about now... or something.

I would like to begin to complain about the heat (allthough most of you would probably hit me for it) It is so darn hot here... and the sun... and the humidity... Everything alltogether is just a big pain.
It has been 30 degrees and up, even when it is raining. So there... out with that.

Here goes the real post.

Theese few weeks (How many was it? Two since last?) Anyway... they have been really great. I feel i have become more proficient in japanese only during these last two weeks, now i can actually almost speak with half a flow :P its not fluent... yet. I can understand pretty good too but there is ofcourse words that i cannot understand. I am kind of starting to understand some lessons now, and im learning a little. Not the modern japanese lessons, they are too hard. The physics lessons and the math lessons are coming along. The english lessons were never really a problem. I never really liked chemistry in the first place but it is pretty difficult to know all the japanese names for all the different metals and gasses. The P.E. (Physical Education) is really fun, we have been playing volleyball and badminton by now. We will go on to playing doubles badminton, basket, swimming and so on. I havent really seen the schedual. This week is the term test so there will be no club (Damnit! What am i supposed to do after school with no club and all my friends busy studying.) so i will go straight home...

These past weeks nothing really interesting has happened. I have been to karate and im in big pain now because i strained my calf during a kicking exercise, but it should be no problem. It doesnt hurt as much anymore so im just trying to walk as usual now.

I will pretty soon advance to the next colour of belt, Purple. Karate is probably, by far the most fun sport i have exercised. I cant wait until i can be in a tournament.

Please ask me some questions about stuff here in the comments. I have nothing more to write about now so i would appriciate that.

Have a good summer holiday... (You lucky bastards... I have to wait another one and a half month...)

söndag 14 juni 2009




Engelska... For alla er som inte ar japaner :P

Good evening everyone!
Today i have been playing golf, it was great.
Today it was extreemly hot, but we were all happy anyway.
It was about 35 degrees outside.
The sunday of last week me and my host mom met Lars and his
host mom and ate swedish food. We all enjoyed it very much.

I dont know what else to write today so ill give ya a few pictures instead. They were all taken a little while ago but ya havent seen them.

torsdag 4 juni 2009

Hey people, again...

My favourite quote: "Like the other illadvised five word sentences every man eventually
says in his life: "I can jump that far"... "Im gonna win her back"...
"I can trust you guys"... We would come to regret it... we just
didnt know it yet."

So these last few weeks i have had severe pain all over... But damn its worth it...
I have been going to karate practice once a week and it is always very painful the day after... But! It is by far the most enjoyable sport i have ever practiced. I will soon, i hope, move on to purple belt. Even though i cannot run on golf practice the remaining days of the week i feel really good.

My japanese is moving on pretty good and people around me tell me i speak pretty good now.

All is well here in japan, sorry for not writing all the time.